
Black History Month - Portrait of Ada Okoli

Celebrating Black History Month: Our Diversity and Inclusion Journey

The month of October is upon us. That means it’s time for Black History Month: a reminder for us all to recognise and celebrate Black history and the future. In our latest blog, Ada Okoli, Programme Manager and Co-Chair of our BAME network, launches our Black History Month activity and highlights some of the recent work that has been achieved over the past year.

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Why Bi Visibility Day is Important to Me

23rd September marks Bi Visibility Day, a day to celebrate the bisexual community as part of the LGBTQ+ umbrella and to raise awareness of the challenges they face.

Today, Carla Jackson, blogs about the importance of celebrating Bi Visibility Day and her experiences as part of the LGBTQ+ community.  

Blog Image Faye Land

How our Armed Forces Network helps ensure we're an inclusive employer

The NHS Business Services Authority is proud to have achieved the Employer Recognition Scheme Gold Award for outstanding support towards the Armed Forces community. In our latest blog, Faye tells us a bit more about our Armed Forces Network and what we’re doing to ensure we’re an inclusive, veteran-friendly employer. 

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Product Development in a Data World

It’s been a year of development and innovation for the NHSBSA’s Data and Insight directorate. In our latest blog, Sanhati Sinha Roy, Lead Delivery Manager, reflects on some of our key achievements in the NHS data and insight space.

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Sincerely, me: A Journey into Self-Acceptance

14 July marks International Non-Binary People’s Day, a day aimed at raising awareness of the issues and discrimination faced by non-binary people around the world.

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LGBTQ+ and Accessibility Needs

In today’s blog, we welcome back Carla from Provider Assurance, who gives her personal insight about life with another challenge LGBTQ+ people face, and how accessibility needs intersect with day to day lives.

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LGBTQ+ and Mental Health

As we dedicate ourselves to celebrating LGBTQ+ communities around the world, reflecting on accomplishments and uplifting voices who have previously not been heard, Carla, a Caseworker for Provider Assurance, talks about her personal experience with mental health and being part of the LGBTQ+ community.

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Being an LGBTQ+ ally and what it means to me

You don’t need to be LGBTQ+ to be part of the community. In today’s blog, Gabby Sole, Senior Business Administration Officer at the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA), talks about being an ally to the LGBTQ+ community and what it means to her.

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Capturing the attention of 3,500 staff for World Environment Day

Today marks UN World Environment Day and the launch of our Climate Action Toolkit for NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) staff. But what goes into making an engagement campaign like this work? Jayne Bruce, Environment Manager, explains how she and her network colleagues are helping make a difference to the environment through effective staff engagement and communications.

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How one piece of code saved the NHS over 90,000 hours of GP time

Andy Mason, Data Warehouse and BI Manager for the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA), explains how the ongoing development of a national prescribing data set allowed the NHSBSA to act quickly in response to COVID-19 and help GPs regain thousands of hours.

NHS Business Services Authority

Forming the Veteran Support Partnership

The newly formed Veteran Support Partnership will be hosting their first Veteran Support Event on Wednesday 12 May. On the blog today, founding member Neil Emery talks about his military career and what lead him to form the Partnership.

NHS Business Services Authority

Autism Acceptance Month - David's story

April marks World Autism Acceptance Month, a month dedicated to raising awareness of the signs, symptoms and realities of autism and to promote acceptance.

Here, Prescription Exemption Checking (PECS) team member at the NHSBSA, David Howlett, tells his journey of diagnosis and living with autism.