
Dental prescription endorsements and disallowed items

The guidance below is applicable for FP10D prescriptions, issued by dental prescribers, for products included in the dental prescribing formulary (part XVIIA of the Drug Tariff).

When information is missing from a prescription, in some cases, you can endorse with PC for ‘prescriber contacted’ and PNC for ‘prescriber not contacted’.

Remember to endorse with the correct details if something is missing from an FP10D prescription:

  • You can endorse with ‘PC’ if the FP10D prescription is missing the dose or drug strength and you’ve contacted the prescriber. To endorse with PC, you need to include your initials and the date.
  • You can endorse with ‘PNC’ to supply up to 5 days treatment if the FP10D prescription is presented with a missing strength and/or quantity and the prescriber cannot be contacted. To endorse with PNC, you need to include your initials and the date.
  • You can endorse with PNC if the FP10D prescription is presented with a missing presentation, the prescriber cannot be contacted and you have sufficient information to make a professional judgement. To endorse with PNC, you need to include your initials and the date.
  • You cannot endorse the FP10D prescription if the prescriber has requested a presentation that isn’t in the dental prescribing formulary. For example, dental prescriptions for amoxicillin tablets should not be endorsed. This is because only amoxicillin capsules are listed in the dental formulary. Instead, the prescription should not be dispensed and a new one should be requested from the prescriber for the correct presentation (amoxicillin capsules).

For more information about PC and PNC endorsements, please visit our ask us knowledge base.