
NHS CPCS payment timetable

The NHS Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (NHS CPCS) is a national Advanced Service to refer patients requiring low acuity advice, treatment and urgent repeat prescriptions to community pharmacies.

The service, which went live on the 29 October 2019, will replace the NHS Urgent Medicines Supply Advanced Service (NUMSAS) pilot and the NHS111 Digital Minor Illness Referral Service (NHS111 DMIRS) pilot.

NHS CPCS aims to reduce pressure on the primary and urgent care system, particularly Accident and Emergency and GP out of hours, by supporting the integration of community pharmacy.

Pharmacy contractors who signed up for the Advanced Service before the end of 1 December 2019 and who deliver the service until the 31 March 2020 will qualify for a single payment of £900.

Contractors who signed up for the Advanced Service on or after 2 December 2019, but before the end of 15 January 2020, and who deliver the service until the 31 March 2020, will qualify for a single payment of £600.

The final registration payments will be processed on 28 February 2020.

If contractors fail to deliver the service until the 31 March 2020 (unless previously agreed with the NHSCB due to extenuating circumstances) this fee will be recovered, all or in part, by NHSCB.

For more information about the single payments, see Part VIC - Advanced Services (Pharmacy and Appliance Contractors)(England) section 29 of the January 2020 Drug Tariff.

You can register for NHS CPCS via the Manage Your Service portal.

For more information, visit the NHS CPCS page of the NHS England website