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Stoptober: How I gave up smoking for good

October each year marks Stoptober, the 28-day stop smoking campaign from Public Health England, which encourages thousands of people across the nation to quit smoking.

Research shows that if you stop smoking for 28-days, you are five times more likely to stay smokefree for good. Here, Simon, talks about his journey to giving up smoking and how the support helped him curb his habit for good.

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What our Private Beta Partners have said…

We currently have 19 Private Beta Partners testing the all-new NHS Jobs service and here's what four of those had to say:

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NHS Jobs Engagement news...

The NHS Jobs team have recruited two new Stakeholder Engagement Leads - Robert Hope and Jon Lee - so that we can spend more time understanding how you use NHS Jobs and what you need from us.


NHS Jobs: How to... Approve vacancies

Our recent CSAT survey results showed us that there has been a significant uptake in the use of our Vacancy Authorisation option, as well as an increase in satisfaction for this feature.

For those who are yet to use the vacancy authorisation, we have created a step-by-step guide to assist you.

You can use this feature on NHS Jobs to support the approval of a vacancy to be published online. One or more approvers can be identified for a vacancy and once the relevant vacancy details have been entered, the system will move the vacancy to each of the approvers in turn.