
 NHSBSA Blog. LGBT  History Month. Why we reflect and celebrate.

LGBT+ History Month: Why we reflect and celebrate

This year the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) has teamed up with Pride FM to spread awareness of LGBT+ History Month and how we’re welcoming and celebrating LGBTQ+ people into our organisation.

In his accompanying blog, Tony Caddies-Green, Head of Business Intelligence, reflects on his experience as a gay teenager growing up in the 80s and why LGBT+ History Month is still so important today.

Children’s Mental Health Week blog 2023-01

Children's Mental Health Week - Understanding Children and Young People's Mental Health

This week marks Children’s Mental Health week, a week dedicated to raising the awareness of children and young people’s mental health and the importance of talking about their mental health and wellbeing, and the support available to them.

The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) has a team of Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA) that have undertaken training accredited by Mental Health First Aid England, and are equipped to support colleagues across the organisation and their mental health.

NAW 2023 - Susan blog V3-01

Apprentices make a difference!

6 February 2023

This National Apprenticeship Week 2023, Susan Britton, People Progression Lead in Customer Operations, talks about how apprentices really do make a difference in an organisation like the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA).

16 days against domestic violence

Let's talk about Domestic Violence

November 25 to December 10 marks 16 Days of Action Against Domestic Violence, an annual international campaign to mark the commitment and determination to take action against domestic abuse and violence.

To mark this campaign, two colleagues from the NHS Business Services Authority who have chosen to remain anonymous, take to the blog to talk through their personal experiences in supporting people through domestic violence, and the resources available that can help you support someone to get help.  

Adnan Shroufi - NHSBSA Blog main graphic

NHS-R Community - A collaborative space to discuss and develop data solutions

The NHS-R Community is a place where to share their experiences and expertise, offer training possibilities, and provide a space for discussing and developing solutions to NHS and care sector challenges.

World Menopause Day V1 10.2022

World Menopause Day 2022 – Let’s Keep Talking!

This World Menopause Day, Melanie Maughan, Wellbeing Manager at the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA), shares with us the progress made over the last few years in supporting our colleagues transitioning through menopause and the commitments made going forward. She highlights the importance that menopause is recognised as a fundamental workplace issue and receives the attention it so rightly deserves.

World Mental Health Day V4 10.2022

World Mental Health Day: Why I Became a Mental Health First Aider

10 October marks World Mental Health Day, a day observed around the world to raise awareness of mental health and to mobilise the efforts to support those experiencing mental health issues.

Now, more than ever, its important to check in on our family, friends and colleagues to make sure they have the support they need for their health and wellbeing.

Pride month Lee Cawley  V1 06.2022-01

Why we celebrate Pride Month

As this year’s Pride Month comes to an end, Lee Cawley, member of our Wellbeing and Inclusion team and an LGBTQ+ network co-chair at the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA), reflects on why we celebrate Pride Month and what it means to him.

Sue Douthwaite - Pride Month Blog

Pride Month 2022 - What allyship means to me

As part of Pride Month 2022, we are sharing the experiences of our LGBTQ+ colleagues. We are also shining a light on the progress we have made as an organisation and how we can support each other, no matter what our role in life.

As part of this, Sue Douthwaite, Chair of NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA), talks about the importance of being an ally in the workplace. As well as highlighting key ways to be an advocate at any time.

Carers week 2022 05.2022-01

Carers Week 2022: My dad

The number of people who are taking on caring responsibilities is growing. Looking after a friend or family member who needs support and care comes with challenges. It can have an impact on all areas of your life from relationships to your own wellbeing.

This Carers Week, Rachel Connelly-Clark, from Corporate Services at NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) shares with us a glimpse of her life as a carer for her father.

Accessibility blog 05.2022

Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2022 - Our four year accessibility rollercoaster ride

It’s Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2022, a day to shine a light on digital access and inclusion for the estimated one billion people worldwide with disabilities.

Here, Christopher Lockie, part of the Digital Delivery Team at NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA), reflects on the rollercoaster ride of creating and testing an accessibility framework, in an ever-evolving environment.

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International Nurses Day 2022 - #BestOfNursing

International Nurses Day is celebrated every year around the world on 12 May, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth. The day marks the extraordinary work and care that nurses provide on a daily basis, and a chance to say thank you for the difference they make to patients’ lives.

This Nurses Day, Allison Newell, Executive Director of Strategy, Performance, Business Development and Growth at the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA), reflects on her own experiences of the care she has given being a nurse, but also the care she has received through particularly challenging times.