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Provider Assurance Dental: Primary Care Commissioning Activity Report Service Summary

The Primary Care Commissioning Activity Report (PCAR) is developed in collaboration with Integrated Care Board (ICB) Commissioning teams and provides an overview of work, supporting greater assurance and oversight of NHS England (NHSE)’s primary care commissioning responsibilities.

What does the PCAR Cover?

The report is published nationally and highlights management of contractual performance, procurement and expiry of contracts, availability of services, and the assurance of policy compliance.

Why is PCAR Important?

PCAR provides assurance and oversight for NHSE and ICB Commissioning teams and works to free up commissioning time by reducing the administrative burden for regional teams.

What is the PCAR Process?

PCAR Dental image

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more, please get in touch. You can email the Provider Assurance Dental (PAD) team at