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Provider Assurance Dental: Sedation Assurance Service Summary

The Sedation Assurance service is provided by the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) Provider Assurance (Dental) team.

Who is Sedation Assurance For?

The service is for all Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) in order to comply with the requirement that all providers of conscious sedation in primary dental care complete an annual self declaration of their compliance with service standards.

Why is Sedation Assurance Important?

The Sedation Assurance service can support providers and ICBs to ensure that annual declarations are completed via an E-form on Compass. The validity of the declarations can be assured via a clinically led process of requesting and assessing documentation submitted by sedation providers to support their declaration of providing safe sedation practice.

What is the Sedation Assurance Process?

Sedation assurance image

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more, please get in touch. You can email the Provider Assurance Dental (PAD) team at or visit the Conscious sedation assurance area of our website here.