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Provider Assurance Ophthalmic - GOS4 Pre-Authorisation Service Summary

The GOS4 Pre-Authorisation service is provided by the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) and delivered on behalf of the NHS England (NHSE).

Who is GOS4 Pre-Authorisation For?

The service is for any General Ophthalmic Services (GOS) contractors who have adult patients that present with lost or damaged spectacles which need repair or replacement.

Provided the patient is already eligible for free NHS Ophthalmic care, and they have a preexisting medical condition that is also eligible, any repairs or replacement can be claimed by the GOS4 contractor.

A list of eligible medical conditions can be found here: GOS4 Breifing Document.


Why is GOS4 Pre-Authorisation Important?

The GOS4 Pre-Authorisation service enables contractors to receive payment for any eligible repair or replacement.

Additionally, GOS4 Pre- Authorisation helps us to support our NHS patients and provide a greater level of care for those eligible.


What is the GOS4 Pre-Authorisation Process?



Get in touch.

If you would like to find out more, please get in touch.

You can email the team at , or visit the Provider Assurance Ophthalmic area of our website here.