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Provider Assurance Pharmaceutical Services: Out of Pocket Expenses Post Payment Verification Service Summary

Out of Pocket Expenses (OOPE) PPV is provided by the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) and delivered on behalf of NHS England (NHSE).

Who is OOPE Post Payment Verification (PPV) For?

Community pharmacy contractors must take all reasonable steps to avoid claiming for OOPE but claims can be made where the contractor has incurred expenses in obtaining the required product in exceptional circumstances, for eligible products, which are not required to be frequently supplied.

Why is OOPE PPV Important?

The OOPE PPV provides assurance to NHSE and any Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) that OOPE claims made by pharmacy contractors meet the three conditions outlined in the Drug Tariff.

The OOPE PPV exercise ensures that OOPE claims are reasonable and correct, provides contractor feedback, and identifies overclaiming which can result in a financial recovery.

What is the OOPE PPV Process?

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Get in touch

If you would like to find out more, please get in touch. You can email the Provider Assurance Pharmaceutical Services team at  or visit the Provider Assurance Pharmaceutical Services area of our website here.