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Provider Assurance Dental: Sedation Assurance Service Summary

The Sedation Assurance service is provided by the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) Provider Assurance (Dental) team.

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Provider Assurance Dental: Primary Care Commissioning Activity Report Service Summary

The Primary Care Commissioning Activity Report (PCAR) is developed in collaboration with Integrated Care Board (ICB) Commissioning teams and provides an overview of work, supporting greater assurance and oversight of NHS England (NHSE)’s primary care commissioning responsibilities.

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Provider Assurance Dental: Orthodontic Close Down Arrangements Service Summary

The Orthodontic Close Down Arrangements service is provided by the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) Provider Assurance Dental team and delivered on behalf of Integrated Care Boards (ICBs).

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Provider Assurance Dental: Contract Year End Reconciliation Service Summary

Directed by NHS England (NHSE), NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) Provider Assurance Dental (PAD) team support ICB commissioning teams in their management of dental contracts - including the year-end review.

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Provider Assurance Dental: Contract Variations (Contract Management) Service Summary

The Contract Variations service is provided by the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) and delivered on behalf of Integrated Care Boards (ICBs).

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Provider Assurance Dental: Contract Mid-Year Review Service Summary

Directed by NHS England (NHSE), the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) Provider Assurance Dental (PAD) team support ICB commissioning teams with the management of their dental contracts - including undertaking a mid-year review.

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Provider Assurance Dental: Clinical Advisor Service Summary

Directed by NHS England (NHSE), and as part of the Provider Assurance service, the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) support regional commissioning Teams and ICBs in their management of dental contracts. This support is provided by Clinical Advisors (CAs).

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Data Services Summary

The NHSBSA has a range of reports and data available to help NHS customers track trends, inform decisions and support policy. 

NHS Healthy Start Digital Screen

NHS Healthy Start communications toolkit

The NHS Healthy Start scheme helps young families and those who are pregnant to access healthy food, milk and vitamins.

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NHS maternity exemption certificate communications toolkit

Patients who are pregnant or have had a baby in the last 12 months are entitled to free NHS prescriptions with a maternity exemption certificate.

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Help with health costs communications toolkit: for people on benefits

This toolkit has been created to support people on Universal Credit and other benefits to understand their entitlement to claim free NHS prescriptions, NHS dental treatment and help with other health costs. 

NHS Learning Support Fund

NHS Learning Support Fund HEI toolkit

This kit contains materials for HEIs to use to promote the NHS Learning Support Fund to their students.