
NHS Jobs Future service update

Throughout the project, our User Researcher, Sarah Stokes, has been working with users to carry out extensive research - and what you tell us is helping to shape what the future service will be.

Throughout the project, our User Researcher, Sarah Stokes, has been working with users to carry out extensive research - and what you tell us is helping to shape what the future service will be.

Following the recommendations from our initial (“Alpha”) assessment in October 2018 with the Government Digital Service (GDS), have now moved on to the next stage - focussing on the smaller employers who use NHS Jobs, including GP surgeries and Care Homes.

During the research, Sarah has been giving users a sneak peek of the latest basic, working prototypes of the service, giving them a chance to try it out and give us feedback. Believe it or not, we really appreciate hearing the negative just as much as the positive, as it means we can rework our designs to create the best possible service for you.

Shaping the service

In the “Alpha Plus” testing phase:

We’ve spoken to…


... who have helped us with...


Throughout the project, we’ll continue to carry out research and ask you for your feedback.

We’re now looking for more people to get involved in your user research and feedback sessions in March. Contact the team at to get involved in a way that suits you.

Keep an eye on future newsletters for updates and previews of the new service. In the meantime, if you have any questions, comments or feedback, contact the team and we’ll be happy to help. Contact us at