The future of NHS Jobs

NHS Jobs is the official online recruitment site for NHS recruitment across England and Wales. First launched in 2004, the latest version of the site (NHS Jobs 2) was rolled out in 2014.

Administration of the NHS Jobs service is in the process of transferring from the Department of Health and Social Care to the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) and a team is in place to start work on the design of the future system – NHS Jobs 3.

In early 2018 we selected our delivery partner for Discovery, BeDifrent, and the joint NHSBSA and BeDifrent team kicked off a nine week Discovery on 5 February. The challenge for Discovery is not insignificant. With over 6,000 employers using the service, 340,000 vacancies posted each year and in excess of 4.5 million applications from candidates each year, the service has a lot of users and has a huge impact for recruitment across the whole of the NHS. During Discovery we need to establish the needs for the future service and identify a recommended target architecture and target operating model for the delivery of NHS Jobs beyond February 2020.

We are ambitious for the future of the service. We want NHS Jobs to be a best in class service and the only place to visit when looking for a job anywhere across the NHS. We want the service to get the best people into the right posts quickly across all sectors of the NHS so employers spend less time recruiting. We want recruitment to be so efficient, that the NHS no longer needs to rely on the large numbers of bank and agency staff to fill gaps during recruitment.

We are just starting out and we have a lot to do. Discovery is the first step in our journey and myself, and the rest of the Delivery Team, are excited to get started. We’ll post often during Discovery and in future phases as we move further towards service delivery.