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Provider Assurance Pharmaceutical Services: Blood Pressure Check Service Summary

The Blood Pressure Check Service is an NHS England initiative that supports The NHS Long Term Plan to reduce morbidity and mortality due to cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Who is the Blood Pressure Check Service For? 

The Blood Pressure Check Service provides incentives for pharmacies to provide checks to eligible patients.

The NHSBSA are responsible for processing these incentive fees and carry out post payment verification to ensure the validity of claims.

Why is the Blood Pressure Check Service Important? 

Pharmacies that register via MYS to deliver the Blood Pressure Check Service are eligible for incentive payments, providing the delivery of the service meets the relevant criteria. Fees include a £440 set up fee, a fee of £15 for each clinic check and a payment of £45 per ambulatory monitoring that are delivered in line with the service criteria.

What is the Blood Pressure Check Service Process?

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Get in touch. 

If you would like to find out more, please get in touch. You can email the Blood Pressure Check team at , or visit our website here