What to do if you forget your UK GHIC

If you need treatment while you're on holiday but don’t have your UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC), you can apply for a Provisional Replacement Certificate (PRC).

You should apply for your UK GHIC (or UK European Health Insurance Card depending on your circumstances) in plenty of time before you travel.

Remember - only apply for a card from the official NHS website. You will not be charged for a UK GHIC or UK EHIC.

However, if you forget to take your card with you, or it doesn’t arrive before you travel, don’t worry! If you need medical treatment during your trip, you can apply for a PRC which gives you the same cover as a card until you get home.

  • You can only apply for a PRC if the need for treatment occurs during your visit.
  • You cannot apply for a PRC in advance.

If you need treatment during your trip and don’t have your card, apply for a PRC by contacting Overseas Healthcare Services at the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA). If you try to apply for a PRC before you travel, your application won’t be accepted.

You will need to tell us:

  • your National Insurance number
  • your name
  • your address
  • your date of birth
  • the name of the treatment facility
  • your treatment end date
  • the email address for the specific department of the organisation providing your treatment
  • when you returned, or when you plan to return, to the UK

Travellers should check the latest FCDO travel advice for their destination on GOV.UK and sign up to email alerts. They should also purchase appropriate travel insurance that covers them for all planned activities.

Contact Information

Katy Edgar

Senior Media and Campaigns Officer

NHS Business Services Authority
